Your credit card statement reveals what you need to know to help stay on top of your finances, such as your overall balance, minimum payment due, and due date.
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Reviewing your credit card statement every month can help you identify billing errors or fraudulent charges.
Every card issuer has its own statement layout, but they all generally outline the same basic information.
If you have a credit card, it’s important to be able to decipher your credit card statement. First, it will tell you how much is due each month and when. Beyond that, it’s a good idea to regularly review your statement to make sure there are no fraudulent charges. Here’s a general explanation of the anatomy of a credit card statement to help you understand all the relevant account information it includes.
Usually appearing at the top of your credit card statement, the account summary offers a brief overview of how your new balance was calculated, as well as your new balance and credit limit.
Information you can expect to find in this section includes the following:
This section might also include the billing cycle dates. You should also see your name and mailing address somewhere near the account summary.
This section of your credit card statement clearly and simply shows your owed balance, minimum payment due, and payment due date. It usually appears adjacent to or near the account summary described above.
Information you can expect to find includes the following:
Depending on the card issuer, late payment and minimum payment warnings might appear as their own highlighted sections, or they may appear within or in close proximity to the payment information sections. Here’s what each means:
If you have a rewards credit card, your issuer will usually show you your total rewards balance, and may also include a breakdown of your rewards earnings for the billing cycle. Your rewards summary usually appears somewhere near the top of your credit card statement.
Further down in your credit card statement, you might see a section devoted to “account messages,” “account changes,” or something similar. Here, the card issuer may notify you if any important account information is changing. For example, fee increases or APR changes could appear here, as well as benefits changes, such as adjustments to your card’s car rental loss and damage collision waiver, if applicable. Keep in mind that your credit card issuer may notify you of changes via a separate letter instead.
Despite the extensive information described above, this section is probably what comes to mind when you think of a “credit card statement.” Your transaction history or account history provides a summary of your spending for the billing cycle in table format, showing when, where, and how much was spent. It’s important to double-check this section for any unrecognized transactions, and contact your credit card issuer if you come across any potential billing errors or fraudulent charges.
Here’s what’s typically presented:
Some credit card issuers will also list each charge’s associated spending category or merchant category, such as travel, transportation, groceries, or entertainment.
After your transaction history, your credit card statement will likely provide a summary of fees and interest charged. You might see an overview of all charges for the billing cycle, as well as a year-to-date summary of how much you’ve paid in fees and interest charges for the current calendar year.
Near or within the same section, you might see a section for “interest calculation.” This is a summary of the interest rates charged for each type of transaction – purchase, cash advance, and balance transfer — and what part of your balance is subject to relevant interest rates.
Your credit card statement gives you information necessary for tracking your credit card spending and how much you owe in each billing cycle. Carefully reviewing your credit card statement every month is a healthy financial habit that can help you spot fraudulent charges and billing errors, keep you on top of any upcoming changes to your account terms, and monitor your financial habits.
Megan Doyle is a business technology writer and researcher whose work focuses on financial services and cross-cultural diversity and inclusion.
All Credit Intel content is written by freelance authors and commissioned and paid for by American Express.